that lands
Video marketing for tech,
science & engineering
What we deliver
From shortening sales cycles to taking services to new heights, we help you win the best business and attract the best talent.
Whitepapers are alienating people, and using pure logic is only driving you and your competitors to the same place…
You need to do something different that engages – video delivers the details that matter quickly, memorably and emotively, to create a real life reaction.
At Pyra Films, our expertise lies in distilling complex concepts into simple yet visually-compelling narratives, by translating your latest innovation into your audience’s language.
Elevate your communication with cutting-edge video marketing crafted exclusively for science, technology, engineering and manufacturing brands.
Watch our Work
Take a closer look at what we can do, and filter projects by industry to see what we’ve created for businesses like yours.
The level of quality is clear
“You were recommended to us – after looking at your example work, it was clear the level of quality you deliver, and Sunjay was really helpful during the discovery process.
People are now able to quickly understand what our platform does, and how it looks (the UI is a key selling point for us). Video provides a different way of telling our story.
We’ve recommended Pyra Films in the past, and would again.”
Makes complex research easily digestible
“I definitely recommend Pyra Films. One of the things I really value is that they help to come up with ideas – because video’s a new area for us, we don’t have a tried and tested formula. Being able to talk to people who know about video and what works, can give you ideas, help you set up for interview and give advice on scripts is really helpful.
Video lets us put a face to names and talk directly to our members – something we struggle to do as we don’t get to meet in person that often, so it’s great to add a human face to the brand. Video really helps us to make findings from complex research studies easily digestible and understandable.”
The impact has been overwhelmingly positive
“The impact of the videos we’ve launched so far has been overwhelmingly positive, both internally among our team and externally with our clients. We’re excited to see the final results and the difference these videos will make.
We highly recommend Pyra Films. They’ve demonstrated incredible versatility in working with our company, which specialises in non-contact precision measurement equipment. Their professionalism and friendly approach have made the experience enjoyable, and we look forward to continuing our partnership in the future!”
The quality and results are fantastic
“I’d definitely recommend Pyra, as the team is super easy and seamless to work with.
Video is a huge part of our marketing strategy, and the quality and results are fantastic.”
The team has been amazing
“Our experience of working with the team has been amazing; you’re just an extension of our team.
We’ve seen a big increase in traffic to our website since using the videos – we’ve had more engagement with our social media and emails, and our customers have been telling us that they’ve been enjoying the content.
Video is a big competitive advantage for us.”
All good reactions need a catalyst
To discover more about what Pyra Films can do for your business, get in touch with our team today.